
Free Cisco Meraki Wireless AP for IT Professionals
IT professionals can receive a FREE Cisco Meraki access point (AP) with a 3-year cloud management license.

I thought you might be interested in a webinar about cloud networking from Cisco Meraki.

Quite a few of my other customers rely on Meraki solutions with easy centralized cloud management of their entire wired and wireless networks.
Cisco Meraki webinars include a live demo of this cloud management platform and you get a free Meraki access point for attending.

I think Meraki would be a good match for you.
You can sign up for a webinar here:

Let me know what you think! – David Sewell

Free AP eligibility To be eligible for a free access point, participants must be an IT professional. Existing Meraki customers are not eligible. Limit of one free AP per company.